Awarded Work at the 20th PUCRS Scientific Initiation Meeting

From the 23rd to the 27th of September 2019, the 20th Scientific Initiation Meeting (SIC) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) took place, promoted by the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at PUCRS. The SIC represents a space for socializing research activities, involving undergraduate students and professors/researchers from different regional and/or Brazilian universities.

The work entitled “Exploring Stream Parallelism in Internet of Things Applications”, presented by GMAP Scientific Initiation student Renato Barreto Hoffman Filho and supervised by Dr. Dalvan Griebler was considered a highlight when obtaining the maximum score at PUCRS SIC. The work also received the award for best work in the area of Exact Sciences at PUCRS SIC.