Paper Presentation at HLPP 2021

At present, low-level techniques, such as send/receive message passing, are popular methodologies for parallel and distributed programming. However, high-level structured approaches offered many potential advantages and played a key role in the scalable exploitation of parallelism. The International Symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP) is intended to provide a forum for discussion and research on high-level structured approaches to parallel and distributed programming. This year, the 14th edition of the HLPP took place virtually on July 12 and 13.

The paper entitled “DSParLib: A Distributed Stream Parallelism Library” was presented at HLPP 2021 by GMAP researcher Ricardo Pieper. The work was advised by Dr. Luiz Gustavo Fernandes and co-advised by Dr. Dalvan Griebler. In addition, it had the collaboration of GMAP master’s students Júnior Löff and Renato B. Hoffmann.

More information about HLPP 2021 can be found on the official website.

By: Gabriella Andrade