GMAP researchers win parallel programming marathon at ERAD/RS 2024

From April 24th to 26th, 2024, the XXIV Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD/RS 2024) occurred in Florianópolis, SC. This event is held annually by the Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC) in conjunction with the Comissão Especial de Arquitetura de Computadores e Processamento de Alto Desempenho (CE-ACPAD) and Comissão Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (CRAD/RS). The event encompasses the southern Brazil region’s three states (RS, SC, and PR), and its target audience includes students, professionals, and teachers/researchers who work directly or indirectly in high-performance computing or related areas.

Traditionally, a parallel programming marathon involving teams of three members is held alongside the event. In this edition, teams had access to the Santos Dumont cluster to execute the parallel applications. The team, composed of GMAP members Gabriel Araujo, Renato Barreto Hoffmann, and Leonardo Faé, won the parallel programming marathon, achieving the highest speed-up among the teams.

The group also presented works at the Postgraduate and Scientific Initiation halls involving topics such as data parallelism in Rust using the conjugate gradient method, a single parallel programming model for CPUs and GPUs in stream processing, high-level linear pipelines in Rust using GPUs, fault tolerance for high-level stream parallelism, and distributed programming in plan selection in multi-agent systems.