SPar: Stream Parallelism in C++

This is a domain-specific language (DSL) embedded in C++ to application programmers express stream parallelism via code annotations. SPar has also a meta-compiler that interprets the DSL and generates parallel code automatically for shared memory architectures while others are aimed to be supported. Our goal is to make stream parallelism exploitation easier with a higher-level interface and domain-oriented vocabulary.

GMaVis: A Domain-Specific Language for Geo-Visualization

GMaVis is a domain-specific language (DSL) that simplifies the creation of visualization from geospatial information, which is designed to use multi-core architecture parallelism to process data in parallel.

Rust SSP

Structured Stream Parallelism for Rust

NPB-CPP: NAS Parallel Benchmarks in C++

NPB (NAS Parallel Benchmarks) is a famous benchmark suite originally written in Fortran language. Our goal is to make it usable by other researchers and industry to leverage parallel programming, compiler, and other related tools in the C/C++ language. We provide serial versions of the five kernels and three pseudo-application along with new parallel versions using well-known parallel APIs.

SPBench: a framework for benchmarking stream processing applications.

SPBench is a new framework for benchmarking stream processing applications. This framework provides real-world applications with a high level API and allows users to easily use parallel frameworks to explore stream parallelism.

DSPBench: Data Stream Processing Benchmark

This is a new suite of benchmark applications for distributed data stream processing systems. We provide 15 realistic applications implemented with Apache Storm and Spark Streaming in Java language. Our goal is to make it usable by other researchers and industry to evaluate data stream processing systems and computing infrastructures.